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EPC Niet Residentieel.

Sparxus aims to create sustainable impact, joining you on the journey to ignite the change.  We translate sustainability strategy into actions for your real estate.


What is it?

The energy performance certificate for non-residential units (EPC NR) is drawn up for each non-residential building unit. Non-residential building units are all units with a primary use (open definition) of ‘non-residential,’ therefore all building units except residential buildings, industrial buildings, and agricultural buildings.

An EPC NR is valid for 5 years.

The EPC NR consists of two parts, which complement each other: the energy score and the energy label (ranging from G to A) that represents the energy performance of the building unit on a scale from red (poor) to green (good). If the necessary measurement data are not available, you will receive an EPC with an X label.

– The EPC NR also contains recommendations on how the non-residential building unit can be made more energy-efficient.

– From the EPC NR, you can deduce which adjustments are needed to comply with the renovation obligation.

Link codex Vlaanderen



The renovation obligation, which has been in effect since January 1, 2022, was the first step towards the long-term objective (carbon neutrality by 2050). As such, every non-residential building unit must comply with a number of energy-saving measures within 5 years after sale and other transfers (open definition), and in the case of leasehold and building rights. The obligation consists of two parts: a minimum package of measures and a minimum energy label that must be achieved. Both must be met.


The EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) obligation: Since January 1, 2023, an energy performance certificate for non-residential buildings (EPC NR) is mandatory at the sale (and for building rights and leaseholds) and rental of non-residential building units. From May 1, 2023, the EPC obligation applies to all transfers (open definition) (sale, donation, etc.), rental, building rights, and leasehold. The obligation is for owners of building units with a ‘non-residential’ primary use, so all building units except residential buildings, industrial buildings, and agricultural buildings. In the future, it will be obligatory for all large non-residential building units to have an EPC NR, even without sale, transfer, or rental.


The minimum label obligation: From January 1, 2030, both small and large non-residential building units will be required to achieve and demonstrate a minimum energy label. For building units in public buildings or government buildings, this obligation will apply from 2028 due to their exemplary role.

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